Pass the word to your friends about the RALLY FOR LIFE, sponsored by the Charlottesville 40 Days for Life team and hosted at First Baptist Church - Park Street on August 10 from 9am - noon. DAVID BEREIT, co-founder of 40 Days of Life will be speaking.
Other speakers and exhibits will provide resources for:
Women Considering Abortion
The Pregnancy Centers of Central Virginia
Bethany Christian Services
Liberty Godparent Home
Mothers' Homes
Paul Stephan Homes
Liberty Godparent Home
Mary's Shelter
Teen Mother Mentoring
Young Lives
Post-Abortion Healing
Silent No More
Divine Mercy Support Group
Rachel's Vineyard
Forgiven and Set Free
40 Days for Life
Weekly Prayer for Abortion
Book Table
40 Days for Life - David Bereit
You will be inspired by stories, encouraged by work that is being done in our community, and challenged to spread the good report you hear. Don't miss it!